Hey, I’m Sarah

Sarah Wetherby is a certified and trained life coach with over 15 years of coaching and teaching communication and life skills. Her passion project is to help others be more in alignment with their own authentic role in the world. She is well known for being transparent, playful, and captivating in her approach and methods for success. Her expertise ranges from alternative medicine to how PLAY is essential. Mostly she is a people person, with a unique and tailored approach.

“Coaching chose ME …One moment I’m listening to what a friend or a client is going through, the next they are having life-changing breakthroughs and giving me credit for changing their life for the better.

I give all credit to God for leading me to this place where I can help people to see and act on just how amazing they truly are. I see myself as a catalyst for CHANGE and HOPE.

Many paths have brought me here. First, I was a Yoga instructor, then a Medical Massage therapist, and a weight loss consultant. I realized I truly LOVE revealing the greatness of others to them, building strategies to help them achieve the life they are yearning for, and co-creating lasting TRANSFORMATION!

I look forward to working with you. Blessings! (and NO BS ((wink))”